Sep 29, 2021Liked by gender is harmful

Thank you for reporting on this. Paul Bayes is an interesting name, there. A moral entrepreneur making a good career out of shepherding the Church into this zone. https://opentable.lgbt/our-events/2021/3/18/meet-our-patrons-bishop-paul-bayes-in-conversation-with-kieran-bohan

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Oct 23, 2021Liked by gender is harmful

In the 1980s I lived in a religious cult that had no boundaries about children and adults having sex. This included normalising grooming infants to enjoy genital stimulation by adults performing cunnilingus on baby girls and fellatio on baby boys. The community actually survived over 20 years during which around 30 children were born into it. In the mid 90s 7 cult members, 6 men and 1 woman, went to jail for child sexual abuse, but they never stopped maintaining sexual contact with children was healthy normal human behaviour and that the children sought and benefitted from sexual interaction. I did in fact witness some of the little girls around 5-6 years old, the ones who had been inducted into clitoral stimulation as infants, snuggle up to adult males and ask to be "tickled off" in the community lingo.

Any kind of behaviour can be normalised if there is enough benefit to the adults. I can only think there must some anthropological benefit to social cohesion that unhindered male access to all females must be controlled or everything goes to shit.

Perhaps we'll find out in the next decade....?

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