Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023Author

It seems, in writing this and suggesting that some people's (and organisations') focus is making things worse and contributing to a contagion, has hugely annoyed certain activists.

My bottom line here, is that a very dangerous narrative is being spoon fed to (maybe) dysphoric children and young people, that if their 'identity' is not welcomed and affirmed by all those around them (loved ones, family, friends etc), then they will most likely be suicidal or worse.

This is a new tactic. The use of suicide to motivate people via fear, to accept and affirm these 'identities' unquestioningly.

Activists propagate this narrative like it's just what happens. But it hasn't always been like this.

Throughout history, various groups of people, Jewish people, black people, religious people, lesbians and gays, have had their 'identities' comprehensively rejected. They have been cancelled, rejected, mocked, murdered and hugely oppressed but the idea that this all led many of them to end their lives by suicide does not feature...because that wasn't an issue.

Even if it were an issue, it was clear that suicide was a delicate subject and ought not to be thrown about so casually and carelessly.

But now, now we see in all of the literature put out by trans-supportive organisations, the regular use of suicide statistics. Language which warns about suicide and relentlessly mentions the idea.

These organisations and groups behave as if, to identify as trans and to be part of that group, is to be not only "the most marginalised" now...but "the most marginalised in history"; as if suicide is inevitable, or as the Samaritans put it, 'an understandable response' to an awful situation. It is exactly *that*, that makes things worse and brings a rationale to suicide. What we really need to be doing, is steering them away from that and saying, it doesn't have to be like this.

No civil rights group or religious group I know if, in history, have behaved like this, used suicide, like this. It is a new tactic and it's feeding into a new wave of mental health issues across the world.

It's sick, it's vile and it needs to stop. These people need help, not encouragement (to live up to the suicidal standards being preached).

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I see a lot of people saying that transition is what leads to suicide most of the time and that it is impossible for people to be happy after transitioning (and in this case I am referring to people who began as adults). Do you take issue with this?

Blaire White and Buck Angel have transitioned as adults and are happy with their decisions. They have undergone breast implants/top surgery, Blaire has had facial feminization surgery, both have used hormones to transition. Both will tell you that they are happy with all of it. But I still see people saying that everyone who does this will regret it and become "another statistic" because of it.

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I wouldn't know about 'transition leading to suicide most of the time'...I think the stats on that are at best, lacking and unreliable.

I imagine that for adults whose brains have fully matured (25+), there is probably a small number for whom transitioning is the *only* option for them and for whatever reason, it will maintain them and be life-saving.

However, for children, whose brains haven't fully matured (and when I say this, I mean kids & young people who haven't reached that final stage of brain development which deals with long term decision-making and managing risk), I do wonder if the decisions they're committing to are fuelling their mental health issues.

With regards to 'regret' rates? That's a difficult one to assess because of the severe lack of data, something which the Tavistock clinic were heavily criticised for (not collecting).

Of course, pro-trans groups put regret rates at something ridiculously low, like 1-2%, while more critical groups would probably place it far higher. As for the true figure, I really don't know. And , all this is clouded by the fact that many of those who do express regret are dismissed and rejected by the community that I've welcomed them, so others are consequently reluctant to announce their regret.

However, all things considered, what is clear is that many trans groups and organisations are intent on speaking out about suicide and the (alleged) stats. They refer to suicide so frequently that I think we *should* be concerned about the impact that could be having on the young people who hear about it.

While I would normally agree, no-one should be forming a policy based on a very small number of those who say, regret transition or have died by suicide, post transition...I'm not convinced that the numbers of such situations are so small. The more I read about the growing detransitioner groups and the mess that was The Tavistock GIDS, the more I think we should be investigating just how effective or ineffective these treatment pathways have been.

Sorry for the long ramble. I hope that made sense.

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I’ll be writing a rebuttal to you and you can write one and we can play this game to the end of time for all I care but I am not going to listen to someone blaming the victims for suicide clearly driven by hate

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Anti-trans as the author of this article are what is hurting everyone, and making light of a youth psychological distress over over all these views and rejection and claiming suicide is because gif activists shows a total lack of understanding of the issue. , I know you will delete these comments so I copied them and will talk about you and them on my coming article

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Your article shows a total lack on the subject but not to worry because I am on substack too and I will write an article tearing apart the literal crap you claim in here, truth of the matter is youth that happen to be transgender are scared of these bills

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by gender is harmful

You do not engage with the information about recommendations from suicide prevention groups at all. I do not doubt that many youth with gender dysphoria are upset, how can they not be when the organizations related to them, and reckless voices in the media tell them every day that suicide is an inevitable response to legislation, some that isn’t even codified. Trans activists ignore recommendations about discussing suicide, recommendations that are not new, and part of me worries that some of these so-called advocates WANT young people to make that awful decision, because they could stand upon their bodies and point their fingers at anyone who didn’t do what they wanted. If people in trans activism cannot be more responsible in discussing suicide, they bear just as much responsibility as anyone they’re pointing fingers at. It will be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Revisit the old “It Gets Better” campaign by the Trevor Project, which took the opposite approach to addressing anxiety & depression among LGB youth. Compare it to the fatalistic messaging we hear from LGBTQ advocates nowadays. It’s night & day. Everything seems a million times worse & like it won’t get better when you’re a teen. Our brains aren’t fully matured & capable of critical thinking. Stop telling kids a piece of legislation means their lives are over.

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Start thinking about what these kids needs are , every trans child thinks about suicide at some point , you do not understand how these children feel about themselves and it affects everything from academics to socialization and yes all this hateful misplaced attacks by groups sometime state sponsored is taking a toll even for someone like me who transitioned in the 80s I just feel like throwing the pad across the room some days , so don’t act so high and mighty morally because you don’t know what they or me go through also personally find your own freaking business

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by gender is harmful

I’m basing everything here on guidance from suicide PREVENTION organizations.

If you actually want to help these kids, you’d do some deep breathing, and read the recommendations.

Attacking people who DO take these recommendations seriously doesn’t help anyone.


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Feb 10, 2023Liked by gender is harmful

Trans advocates are making their constituents paranoid by design.


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This isn’t twitter go F* off

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I’ll do what I want, thank you very much.

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Arms race it is than shove your ideas

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by gender is harmful

They’re not my ideas. They’re ideas from people whose lives are focused on how to save others.

Don’t read them. Just don’t pretend you care about saving lives.


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